American Cancer walk/5K run

KB9LRD's picture

The American Cancer Society has estimated over 5,000 participants for this years event.

This event will require a significant number of volunteers to adequately cover and complete the communication and logistic demand on the FCARC and it's membership.

This event will take about 4 hours in its entirety with some operators checking out early.

It will be helpful if you would indicate you have the time to cover a begining and end location this year.

There will be a breakfast meeting prior to the event, here I will distribute operator locations and a rules briefing.

Thank you for those operators whom have signed up currently and I encourage those that are considering to do so as soon as you can confirm your commitment.

Thank you,
Brian KB9LRD
Brian Long FCARC Soleburner coordinator


KB9LRD's picture

Please contact KB9LRD if interested in this event.


Just touching base to reiterate my willingness to help with Oleburner in May 11th.

Chuck Meier