Government Shutdown Affecting Ham Licensing

The following is from the ARRL:

The FCC CORES registration system is one of the few systems that remains available to the public and is not affected by the shutdown. Applicants can still register in CORES and be assigned an FCC Registration Number (FRN).

Additionally, information included in the FCC public notice outlined how licenses that will expire while the FCC is closed will be handled. If a license has just expired or is about to expire, the ham can file the renewal application and continue to operate while the FCC is closed. The filed application will remain in limbo until the FCC is back to work. If the Amateur waits until the FCC reopens, then they will have two days to submit the renewal before their license is considered expired in the FCC database.

The FCC public notice did not specifically address licenses that had expired and were near the end of the 2-year grace period other than to state, “We are not automatically extending the deadlines, but we will consider whether it is appropriate to do so once normal operations resume.”


The important part here is if your license is about to expire renew it now! Don't wait for the government to get back to work to do so.

Also affected is the processing of new license applications. The FCARC will continue with its VE testing sessions but the submitted applications will be in limbo until the FCC gets back to work. Our next VE session will be Saturday, January 26. Lets hope the government will be back to work by then.

Rick, W9RIC