Club Van

Several FCARC board members when to NBC TV in Green Bay last Friday to pick up a van which the station donated to us. For those at the Monday club meeting, you'll know all about this.

We spent the entire day getting it ready to drive. That was almost exclusively dedicated to using heat shrink guns to remove the vinyl decals. The station management wanted all trace of NBC, etc. removed before we drove it away.

As you'll see in the picture, there is still some more to remove, and we'll likely as for club members to volunteer to help with this, plus many other things as we get it ready to use...and spend time envisioning many uses for it, be it Field Day, Flag Day parade, maybe EAA special event station use and many other club events.

You will notice in the back a telescoping mast. This is lifted via air pressure and can be extended to 50'. This will be ideal, for example, at Field Day if we want to mount a Yagi or attach the HF dipoles for inverted V operation. There is a pan control, so that will serve as our rotor.

So stay tuned for announcements such as at club meetings, or emails or other, and we really welcome ways in which club members wish to participate in getting this vehicle ready, equipped for various ham uses and deployed.

Bernie N9YMC asked Larry Petterson (WA9TT) to take the lead on this. He has already formed a small team (The Van Go Team) to begin initial discussion...starting with an already scheduled assessment of the vehicle with a list of items that might need repair. We'll prioritize and then move forward.