Corn Roast August 18, 2018

The Corn Roast is just around the corner. We will be at the Open Shelter at Memorial Park in Neenah this year. The date is August 18. Many will start showing up at 11am and plan to eat at noon'ish. There will be a Fox Hunt so bring your HT and Fox Hunting gear. Please note that fancy beams are not necessary for locating the fox as many a ham has used body attenuation to their advantage.

The club will provide brats, burgers, corn and soda / water. Please bring a dish to pass.

The Open Shelter at Memorial Park is accessible by exiting I-41 at Winneconne Ave (Hwy 114) to the west. Go past Walmart / Kohls and turn south on Tullar Rd towards the Neenah High School. Memorial Park surrounds the High School and the shelter that we are at (Open Shelter) is off of Apple Blossom Dr going west from Tullar. Go past the baseball diamond and turn north into the park. There are 2 shelters near this entrance, ours is northerly of the two. The parking in front of the shelter holds 10-12 vehicles, though there is another lot a few steps away that will hold all the others.

Look forward to seeing you all at the Corn Roast on August 18.


Bernie - N9YMC



Great event for those who wondered over to Neenah on Saturday. Glad that so many could find us and enjoy some of the yummy food, radio and conversations about.

till next year,


Bernie - N9YMC