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by: N9AOT - Published 05/14/2024 12:23 PM and updated 07/19/2024 1:44 PM

CQ CQ CQ Field Day, this is W9ZL

Field Day 2024 is fast approaching. This year Field Day will be held the weekend of June 22nd and June 23rd. And as last year, we will hold field day and the Bay Lake Scouting Council Headquarters.
The address is 2555 Northern Road Appleton WI. This location allows us to have a kitchen dining area, bathrooms, plus shelter if we have inclement weather. It also gives us an area to introduce amateur radio to the public.
Setup for Field Day will be Friday afternoon beginning at 4pm after the council closes. Field Day contest starts on Saturday at 1pm local time till Sunday 1pm. There is parking both on the north side, behind the council building as well as the main parking south of the building.
We plan on operating 2 Alpha along with our GOTA station.
Being at the scouting council headquarters Larry WA9TT and Laurel KD9AJT along with FCARC will be hosting scouting radio merit badge sessions. The scouts will have great opportunities to get on the air as part of their merit badge requirement. Gary again has agreed to bring his satellite station, after he verifies it’s operational. The field day stations will operate SSB, CW, FT8 as well as VHF along with the GOTA station. Any non-ham or a ham less than a year license or inactive are allowed to operate the GOTA station. Mike will be holding a fox hunt for those earning their radio merit badge, but I am sure he will work with anyone showing interest.
Of course, like last year Wolf River Coils will donate a prize to be given away to someone who operates at least one hour on one of the available stations. Prize will be announced when Wolf River Coils purchases it at Hamvention this May. There is a sign up sheet for anyone who wishes to schedule when they want to operate on the FCARC website. Go to the clubs website, click on the “Event Sign Up Tab” and click on Field Day. We will attempt to schedule everyone as close as possible to the time they request, but first come first server, so get signed up now. Walk ins may be accepted if there is an opening in the schedule. A local scouting troop will be holding a Brat Fry sometime during the Field Day exercise.
If you wish to set up a tent or RV there is plenty of room to do so. Field Day is a great opportunity to get into contesting and logging if you have not had the chance in the past or even a seasoned ham loves to operate during Field Day. It is also a great time to meet and talk so some of the hams you may have heard but do not know. If have any questions feel free to contact Terry N9AOT at or call/text 920 572 2937. Terry will be on the Field Day site from Friday afternoon till take down on Sunday afternoon.

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