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Thank You, Terry and Bernie

by: WI9MMM - Published 05/19/2021 1:00 PM and updated 07/19/2024 1:44 PM

On behalf of the FCARC, I want to say thank you to Terry Schilling, N9AOT, for his eight years of service as club secretary. I would also like to say thank you to Bernie Hengels, N9YMC, for his four years of service as club president. Both of these gentlemen put their heart into making our club a warm and welcoming place where the new ham and the seasoned ham are treated as equals.

Thank you, Bernie and Terry, for investing the time into promoting amateur radio and, more importantly, into improving the ham radio experience for everyone that you came in contact with. I know that you both will continue to support the club but I wanted to publicly applaud you for all the work, support and (yes) sacrifice you put into making and keeping the club great.

I salute you both for a job well done. Much appreciated. Mike, WI9MMM

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