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EAA cancels AirVenture in Oshkosh for 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic

by: AB9AH - Published 05/01/2020 9:08 AM and updated 07/19/2024 1:44 PM

The Experimental Aircraft Association in Oshkosh announced Friday that AirVenture, its annual convention that draws 10,000 aircraft and 600,000 visitors from around the world, will not be held this summer.

“We looked at every possibility over the past six weeks as to how EAA could move forward with AirVenture this year, because it is such an important reunion for the aviation community,” said Jack J. Pelton, the EAA's CEO and Chairman of the Board. “The current status in Wisconsin is that it is still under a stay at home order until May 26, which completely eliminates our ability to start grounds preparation May 1. The reopening of the state also has no specific dates, creating uncertainty about mass gatherings in July. Ultimately, preserving the health and safety of all who would attend – and all the varying guidelines between states and countries from where our participants arrive – along with the massive commitments needed now for an event to meet EAA’s high standards, made cancellation the only option for this year.”

I'd like to thank everyone who had volunteered for the 2020 W9ZL Special Event Station. I hope to have you all agin helping when I setup for Airventure 2021.

Stay safe & healthy.

Jon Oldenburg
W9ZL Special Event Chairman

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