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146.76 Repeater - Race the Lake support

by: AJ9L - Published 07/31/2024 12:00 AM and updated 09/19/2024 12:05 PM

It's that time of year already!


The 146.760 repeater will be used by those supporting Race the Lake again this year. The repeater will be used for RtL support between 5:30am and 3pm on August 18th.


Please consider using another club or member repeater for non-event traffic, leaving the 146.760 repeater for the event support during this time:


145.330 (-0.6MHz) located in Neenah - Yaesu digital only

443.650 (+5MHz, 100Hz) located in Appleton - Analog and Yaesu digital


Member repeaters:


224.500 (-1.6Mhz, 100Hz) WJ9K repeater

442.175 (+5MHz, 100Hz) WJ9K repeater

442.475 (+5MHz, 146.2Hz)AJ9L repeater

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